
marți, 23 martie 2010

Conference on Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues

Call for Papers: Second edition of International Conference on Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, Alba Iulia, Romania, 13 – 15 October 2010
On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend the second edition of Alcoholism: Historical and Social Issues, International Conference to be held between 13 - 15 of October 2010, in Alba Iulia, Romania.

The organizers of this conference are Alba County Council, National Museum of Unification, Alba Iulia, Romania; “1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania.
The aim of the conference is to bring together historians, sociologists, psychologists, and physicians from all over the world and to attract original papers on the following topics:
1. History of Alcoholism: history of production, distribution and consumption of alcohol
2. Social Issues of Alcoholism (social, cultural, psychological and medical aspects)

Scientific Committee: Hasso Spode (Germany), Dan Malleck (Canada), Ron Roizen (United States), Toader Nicoară (Romania), Marius Rotar (Romania), Victor Tudor Rosu (Romania), Claudiu Stefani (Romania)
Organizing Committee: Marius Rotar, Victor Tudor Rosu, Corina Rotar, Liviu Zgarciu, Rares Diodiu, Claudiu Stefani, Oana Tamas

Authors should submit an abstract before 20 June, 2010 at the following addresses:; Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. These proceedings will be edited as supplement of Caiete de Antropologie Istorica (Handbook of Historical Anthropology), Semestrial Journal Edited by the Seminar of Historical Anthropology, “Babes-Boylai” University of Cluj Napoca, Romania ( ). This journal is indexed by Copernicus.
The costs of accommodation will be covered by the organizers, except for the travel expenses that will have to be covered by the participants themselves.
The Conference and participants’ accommodations will be at Vila Elisabeta in Alba Iulia ( ).
If your abstract proposal will be accepted for a presentation please book your flights to Cluj Napoca airport or Sibiu airport.
For the previous editions and other information please visit (tag: alcoholism)