
marți, 29 octombrie 2013

Lansare de carte: Miorița Baciu Got, Istoria unui destin confiscat. Tatăl meu, martirul neștiut Viorel Baciu

Marți, 5 noiembrie, ora 18.30, la Ceainăria Cărturești -  Cărturești Verona, va avea loc lansarea cărții Istoria unui destin confiscat. Tatăl meu, martirul neștiut Viorel Baciu, semnată de Miorița Baciu Got.
Invitați Prof. Vladimir Tismăneanu, PS. Mihai Frățilă (episcop Greco-Catolic, București), Anca Cernea (Fundația „Ioan Bărbuș”), Doina Jela (Curtea Veche Publishing.

Lansarea oficială a filmului documentar „Povestiri din Bărăgan. Amintiri din Siberia românească”

Documentarul memorial, Povestiri din Bărăgan. Amintiri din „Siberia” românească, cu un profil antropologic pronunţat, se axează pe amintirile celor ce au experimentat drama deportării în Bărăgan. Filmul se bazează pe 14 interviuri de tip istorii de viaţă ce pornesc de la interesul arătat de către realizatori pentru fenomenul deportării din noaptea de Rusalii a anului 1951. În aceea seară de iunie, peste 40.000 de oameni au fost deportaţi din zona Banatului şi Olteniei în stepa românească ce se întindea în sud-estul României, pe teritoriul actualelor judeţe Ialomiţa, Călăraşi, Brăila și Galați.

Lavinia Stan, Transitional Justice in Post-Communist Romania: The Politics of Memory

A close examination of an understudied European Union member state such as Romania reveals that, since 1989, post-communist state and non-state actors have adopted a wide range of methods, processes, and practices of working through the communist past. Both the timing and the sequencing of these transitional justice methods prove to be significant in determining the efficacy of addressing and redressing the crimes of 1945 to 1989. In addition, there is evidence that some of these methods have directly facilitated the democratization process, while the absence of other methods has undermined the rule of law. This is the first volume to overview the complex Romanian transitional justice effort, by accessing secret archives and investigating court trials of former communist perpetrators, lustration, compensation and rehabilitation, property restitution, the truth commission, the rewriting of history books, and unofficial truth projects. It details the political negotiations that have led to the adoption of relevant legislation and assesses these processes in terms of their timing, sequencing, and impact on democratization. The preface to the book is signed by Prof. Mark Kramer, Harvard University.
Information from webpage

Dominique Nasta, Contemporary Romanian Cinema: The History of an Unexpected Miracle

Over the last decade, audiences worldwide have become familiar with highly acclaimed films from the Romanian New Wave such as 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (2007), The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (2005), and 12:08 East of Bucharest (2006). However, the hundred or so years of Romanian cinema leading to these accomplishments have been largely overlooked. This book is the first to provide in-depth analyses of essential works ranging from the silent period to contemporary productions. In addition to relevant information on historical and cultural factors influencing contemporary Romanian cinema, this volume covers the careers of daring filmmakers who approached various genres despite fifty years of Communist censorship.