
joi, 13 septembrie 2012

Call for Presentations: 4th Global Conference „STORYTELLING”, 21st - 24th May 2013, Prague, Czech Republic

Human life is conducted through story, which comes naturally to us. Sharing stories is arguably the most important way we have of communicating with others about who we are and what we believe; about what we are doing and have done; about our hopes and fears; about what we value and what we don’t. We learn about and make sense of our lives by telling the stories that we live; and we learn about other lives by listening to the stories told by others. Sometimes, under the influence of the culture in which we are immersed, we live our lives in ways that try to create the stories we want to be able to tell about them.
Members of many professions, including medicine, nursing, teaching, the law, psychotherapy and counseling, spend a great deal of their time listening to and communicating through stories. Story is a powerful tool for teachers, because it is a good way of enabling students and other learners to integrate what they are learning with what they already know, and of placing what is learned in a context that makes it easy to recall.  Story plays an important role in academic disciplines like philosophy, theology, anthropology, archaeology, history as well as literature Narrative methods for the collection of data are increasingly used in research in the social sciences and humanities, where the value of getting to know people in a more intimate and less distant way – almost as if we are getting to know them from the inside, begins to be viewed as having some value. Some academics have begun to realise the value of storytelling as a model for academic writing.

„Memoria - revista gândirii arestate" - numărul 80

A apărut numărul 80 din „Memoria - revista gândirii arestate
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Call for papers: Romanian Journal of Society and Politics

Call for Papers: Romanian Journal of Society and Politics New Series, Volume 7, Number 2, Issue 14, due 15th of December 2012 The editors of the Romanian Journal of Society and Politics (RJSP) are inviting you to submit papers for its New Series issue. This journal is already known and appreciated in the region and beyond, due to the high quality of the articles, all published in English. RJSP has been published under the auspices of the Civic Education Project and of the Romanian Society of Political Science RSPS), between 2001-2007. We restarted its publication under new auspices in the first part of 2011. Currently, RJSP is indexed in the following International Data Bases: EBSCO-CEEAS and CEEOL.
The Romanian Journal of Society and Politics provides an international and inter-disciplinary forum for the publication of high-quality, original, peer-reviewed research in the following areas: political science, political theory, international relations, European studies, and security studies. Besides articles, the Romanian Journal of Society and Politics also publishes reviews of relevant books as well as review articles, articles on the state of research in particular relevant fields. RJSP is accepting high quality, publishable research papers and reviews relevant in the areas mentioned above.