
vineri, 6 ianuarie 2017

Call for Papers: Conferinta Naționala „Comunismul Romanesc”, editia a VII-a, București, 30-31 martie 2017

Consiliul Naţional pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securităţii (C.N.S.A.S.) şi Institutul de Istorie „Nicolae Iorga” (I.I.N.I.) organizează anual, ȋncepȃnd cu anul 2011, Conferinţa Naţională „Comunismul Românesc” (C.N.C.R.). Conferința este dedicată studierii comunismului românesc în context est-central european.
Până acum au fost organizate şase ediţii ale C.N.C.R. Cea de-a șaptea ediție a C.N.C.R. (CNCR VII), care va avea loc în perioada 30-31 martie 2017, va fi organizată în colaborare cu Facultatea de Istorie a Universităţii din Bucureşti și va beneficia, la fel ca şi ediţiile precedente, de sprijinul generos al Fundaţiei Konrad Adenauer.

New book: Kevin Morgan, International Communism and the Cult of the Individual. Leaders, Tribunes and Martyrs under Lenin and Stalin

"This book explores how the communist cult of the individual was not just a Soviet phenomenon but an international one. When Stalin died in 1953, the communists of all countries united in mourning the figure that was the incarnation of their cause. Though its international character was one of the distinguishing features of the communist cult of personality, this is the first extended study to approach the phenomenon over the longer period of its development in a truly transnational and comparative perspective.

Call for papers: The 15th edition of the International Symposium “Ideologies, values and political behaviors in Central and Eastern Europe”

The Symposium is organized by the Politics Department, West University of Timisoara
Place and date: West University of Timisoara, Romania, 24-25 March 2017
Deadline for proposals: 01 March 2017 
"The event aims to bring together researchers interested in Central and Eastern European politics. We welcome paper proposals from scholars on political topics in Central and Eastern Europe as detailed below. The proposal should be no longer than one page and it should include a short Curriculum Vitae. All selected participants will be informed before the 15th of March 2017.