Ultima apariție a revistei Remembrance and Solidarity Studies este
dedicată în întregime memoriei Europei despre anul 1989
și apare cu ocazia celei de a 25 aniversări a căderii comunismului. Revista
Rețelei Europene Memorie și Solidaritate este deja accesibilă, în versiune
electronică, pe pagina de internet www.enrs.eu/studies.
Autorii numărului de față, printre
alții Antoni Dudek, Roland Jahn, James Krafl, Balint Ablonczy, Dimitar Ganev,
Burkhard Olschowsky, scriu despre importanța evenimentelor anului 1989 în
Europa Centrală și de Est.
vineri, 20 iunie 2014
The artistic competition „history-codes” for university students within Europe in 2014
mark the 25th anniversary of the revolutionary upheaval in the GDR and Central
and Eastern Europe, the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED
Dictatorship is running its tenth artistic competition „history-codes”
for university students within Europe in 2014: Students
in Europe are welcome to join the Contest „history-codes 2014: Falling Walls.
Freedom as an European Challenge”. The Foundation is very much looking forward
to receiving their creative ideas of what is freedom for them, 25 years after
the fall of the Iron Curtain! Students from Universities in Europe are appealed
for sending their ideas to us until 31th of August. The winners, who will be
chosen by an independent jury, will win a prize money all in all about 6.000 €.
artistic competition is in two languages: german and english.
more information please follow the website www.bundesstiftung-aufarbeitung.de/contest2014.
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