A apărut vol. XI, no. 4, 2011 din Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review, un număr special, având ca subiect „arta şi politica în (post)communism. Volumul a fost publicat la Editura C.H. Beck, cu sprijinul financiar al Fundaţiei Konrad Adenauer. Pentru detalii despre studiile publicate (rezumate şi keywords) accesaţi site-ul revistei.
Pentru cei interesaţi redau mai jos doar cuprinsul volumului:
ArgumentumCaterina PREDA, Art and Politics in (Post)communism. The Transformation of Institutions and Artistic Practices in Central and Eastern Europe.............
Simon PAUL BELL, Laibach and the NSK: Ludic Paradigms of Postcommunism.............
Amy CHARLESWORTH, “Warte Mal!”. Construction and Consumption of Female Subjectivity after the Velvet Revolution.............
Andrei POAMĂ, Il était une fois un pays. Propagande, pouvoir et ténèbres dans l’Underground d’Emir Kusturica (1995) (”There once was A Country”. Propaganda, Power and Darkness in Emir Kusturica’sUnderground [1995]) .............
Maria ALINA ASAVEI, A Theoretical Excursus on the Concept of Political Art in Communism and its Aftermath.............
Florentina ANDREESCU, The Changing Face of the Sacrificial Romanian Woman in Cinematographic Discourses.............
Elena ARHIRE, Le Centre National de la Cinématographie: articulations du postcommunisme roumain (National Center of Cinematography: Articulations of Romanian Postcommunism).......
Cristina STOENESCU, Continuităţi şi contraste în spaţiul artistic postcomunist românesc (Continuities and Contrasts in the Postcommunist Romanian Artistic Space) .............
Tijen TUNALI, The Politics of ”Roma Inclusion” at the 52nd Venice Art Biennale.............
Zoran POPOSKI, Spaces of Democracy: Art, Politics and Artivism in the Post-socialist City.............
Elena GKARTZONIKA, Post-Cold War Trajectories of Memory and Oblivion in Bulgaria and Kosovo.............
Jacques RANCIÈRE, The Politics of Aesthetics: The Distribution of the Sensible, Continuum, London, New York, 2010 (Alexandra IRIMIA).....
Jacques RANCIÈRE, Dissensus: on Politics and Aesthetics. Edited and translated by Steven CORCORAN, Continuum International Publishing Group, Great Britain, 2010 (Andra GRIGORE) .............
Michael SHAPIRO, Cinematic Geopolitics, Routledge, New York, 2009 (Irina VELICU) .............
Michael SHAPIRO, The Time of the City: Politics, Philosophy, and Genre, Routledge, New York, 2010 (John SWEENEY) .............
Boris GROYS, Art Power, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2008 (Gabriella CALCHI-NOVATI) .............
Piotr PIOTROWSKI, In the Shadow of Yalta. The Avant-garde in Eastern Europe, 1945-1989, translated by Anna Brzyski, Reaktion Books, London, 2009 (Alexandra NEACŞU) .............
Anca BENERA, Alina ŞERBAN (ed.), Bucureşti. Materie şi istorie. Monumentul public şi distopiile lui, R.A. Monitorul Oficial, Bucureşti, 2010 (Elena ARHIRE) .............
Cristian VASILE, Literatura şi artele în România comunistă: 1948-1953, Humanitas, Seria Istorie contemporană, Bucureşti, 2010 (Raluca PETRE-ŞANDOR) .............
Ioana MACREA-TOMA, Privileghenţia: Instituţii literare în comunismul românesc, Casa Cărţii de ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca, 2009 (Liana IONIŢĂ).............
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