
joi, 21 februarie 2013

Apariție editorială: Revista „Martor”, nr. 17 din 2012

În decembrie 2012 a apărut nr. 17 al revistei „Martor”, având ca tematică Everyday life during communism. History, memory, oblivion / La vie quotidienne pendant le communisme. Histoire, mémoire, oubli.
Pentru cei interesați redau mai jos cuprinsul.
     Maria Mateoniu, Mihai Gheorghiu - Theories and Methods of Studying Everyday Life. Everyday Life during Communism
Mihai Gheorghiu - Surviving communism. Escape from underground
Claudia Florentina Dobre - Repression and Resistance. Women Remembering their Daily Life in Romanian Communist Prisons
Maria Mateoniu - Public and the Private in Communist Romania: The Retrospective of a Dynamic Dichotomy Twenty Years after the Demise of the Communist Regime
Petru Negură - Studium post negotium. La première génération d’étudiants de Bessarabie (République de Moldavie) en Roumanie (1990-1991) : redéfinitions identitaires, stratégies de survie, tentatives de profit
Ana Pascu - Les relations interethniques pendant la période 1945 – 1990 à Alţâna (département de Sibiu). Etude de cas
Laura Jerca - The Beginnings of the Repression against the German Minority in Romania:
A Case Study of Transylvanian Saxon Communities, 1945-1949.

Everyday Propaganda. Images from the Archive of the Romanian Peasant Museum (selection by Simina Bădică)
Adriana Speteanu - The Restructuring of Free Time in the Communist Romania of the 1980s. The Case of the 23 August Works
Annemarie Sorescu-Marinković - The World through the TV Screen. Everyday Life under Communism at the Western Romanian Border
Sanda Golopentia - Daily lives in Bucharest 1946–1950
Zoltán Rostás - The Parallel Bucharest of the 1980s. The Memoirs of a Memoirs’ Keeper
Mirel-Eleodor Bănică- The Relevance of Memory and the Role of the Witness. A Case Study
Mirela Florian - Autoportrait d’un héros
Informații preluate de pe site-ul Muzeului Țăranului Român.

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