
luni, 4 iunie 2018

Apariție editorială: Memoscapes. Romanian Journal of Memory and Identity Studies, vol. 2, no. 2, May 2018

A apărut vol. 2, no. 2, May 2018 al revistei Memoscapes. Romanian Journal of Memory and Identity Studies, editată de Centrul de Studii Memoriale şi Identitare (CSMI), având ca tematică „Constructing the Social (and Individual) World: Myth, Memory and Identity.
Pentru cei interesați redau mai jos cuprinsul acesteia.

Editor’s Introduction 

Lucian Boia, Oldness, Unity and Continuity: Romanian Historical Mytholo
Introduction: The Creation of Greater Romania
Historical Symbols: The Past as a Foreshadowing of the Future
Romanian Past according to Communists
Post-communist Historical Mythology

Cécile D’Albis, Le mythe de Grenade et les fêtes civico-religieuses (XVIe - XVIIIe siècles)
Les fêtes civico-religieuses et le mythe urbain à l’époque moderne
Le mythe royal
Le mythe martyrial et la quête des origines
Les découvertes du Sacromonte
Les Vierges grenadines et l’adaptation du mythe au XVIIe siècle

Laurent Carozza, Albane Burens, Le Déluge, les savants et la mer Noire: une nouvelle mythologie scientifique?
Le déluge: du mythe babylonien au dérèglement climatique
Le déluge, l’archéologue et la mer Noire
Le déluge: un mythe universel catastrophiste?
Quand les scientifiques rencontrent le mythe: ou l’incarnation du lieu
Archéologie du mythe du Déluge
Le géologue et la mer
Du Déluge au changement climatique global: une nouvelle mythologie scientifique

Leonardo Gregoratti, Fighting a Dying Enemy: The Struggle between Rome and the Parthians

Elitsa Stoilova, Food, Myths and Authenticity
Food, Place, Authenticity, and Myth-Making
Food Festivals: the Bulgarian Context
The Festival of Red Peppers, Tomatoes, Traditional Food and Crafts in Kurtovo Konare Village
The Festival and the (Re)-Invention of Traditions

Justyna Budzińska, Małgorzata Praczyk, Izabela Skórzyńska, Performative Motherhood: The Myth of Mother Poland Re-Interpreted by Women Artists in Contemporary Poland
Mother Poland
Women’s Memory? Performance! ITY STUDIES
Ewa Wójciak, Cecylia Malik and Marta Frej case studies
Performative Motherhoods: Time of Mothers
Mother – Pole – Feminist or rehab from martyrdom
Mother Poland in the search for micro-eco-utopia

Sergiu Mustață, Soviet Moldova in the Radio Free Europe Broadcasting during the Cold War. Efim Crimerman’s (Grigore Singurel) contributions
Efim Crimerman and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (1981-1994)
Topics Addressed by Crimerman
Problems of Soviet Moldova
The Jews Issue
The Situation of Romania
Efim Crimerman vs. Communist Regime
Final Remarks

Cristian Vasile (ed.). 2017, „Ne trebuie oameni!” Elite intelectuale și transformări istorice în România modernă și contemporană („We Need People!” Intellectual Elite and Historical Transformations in Modern and Contemporary Romania). Târgoviște: Cetatea de Scaun, 442 p.
Alin Ciupală. 2017, Bătălia lor. Femeile din România în Primul Război Mondial (Their Battle. Women from Romania during WWI. Iași: Editura Polirom, 368 p.

Call for Papers, MemoScapes, No. 3/2019: Regional, National, Local, and Social Identities in Central Europe and the Black Sea Region in the last 100 years

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